Back Issues: Volume 22 Set Issues 1-6


Vol. 22 Issue 1FEATURES
Early English Target Archery By Hugh Soar
One Star: Lakota Archery Here and Now By Kay Koppedrayer
Sausage Deer By Robb Sager
The Chamberlin Traditional Shoot By Larry Clemons
Late Season Primitive Small Game Hunt By Billy Berger
Flint and Feathers By Mike Huston
The Hat By Jim Scott Orrick
Primitive Archer Turkey Hunt By Mike Yancey
Making the Hamilton Arrow Point By Billy Berger
Osage Bow Building 101, Part 2 By Mickey Lotz, aka The FerretDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – Where Did Primitive Begin? By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Walnut for Bows By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Authors Stories By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Hickory by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Braised Oxtails and Lentils with a Vegetable Medley of Kohlrabi, Carrots and Radishes By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Let Us Never Quit By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – How it Began By Mark (Pappy) Baggett

Vol. 22 Issue 2FEATURES
Learning to Become Invisible by L. Woodrow Ross
Why I Love Llamas by Rob Sager
Short Bows for a Short Draw by Ryan Gill
Chinese Archery is Alive and Well by Kay Koppedrayer
Plains Sheep Horn Bow & An Interview With Bowyer Chuck Loeffler
by Jay Red Hawk
Blue is Back by Billy Berger
Osage Bow Building 101, Part 3 by Mickey Lotz, aka The Ferret
A Catch and Release Deer Hunt by Chris CadeDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – Mental Practice and Subliminal Bowhunting By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Using Osage Limbs For Bows By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Crossword By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Eastern Red Cedar by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Braciole (Bra’ Zhul) with Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper Sauce, Buttered Cavatappi Pasta, and Sautéed Fennel with Green Beans By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Still By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – There is Value in That By Tim Lewis

Vol. 22 Issue 3FEATURES
A Primitive Lifestyle by Hanna Van Order
The Silly Adventures of Living with an Arrow Maker by Cecilia Borgeson
Lessons from a Master by Billy Berger
Gators, Osage & Cane by Mark (Pappy) Baggett
Re-Discovering “Florida Snake Wood” by Ryan Gill
The Soul of Jim Rempp’s Wooden Bows by Brian D’Ambrosio
Seeking My Paradox by Matthew McKenzie
ERC Composite Board Bow by Marc St Louis
Bowyer’s Scraper by Marc St LouisDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – Proper Planning is Both Enjoyable and Essential By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Jatoba Propeller Bow By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Bows of the Year – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Crossword By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Hemlock by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Zesty Roast Chicken with Mashed Celeriac and Heirloom Tomato and Arugula Salad By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Opening Morning By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails- The Abo Knapper By Ryan Gill

Vol. 22 Issue 4FEATURES
Primitive Crossbow Collection by Clayton Carter
Embracing your Home Landsby Ryan Gill
Making a Northern Paiute Bow and Arrow Set by Billy Berger
Wyoming Wilderness Elk by Mike Yancey
The Mary Rose Museum by Hilary Greenland
Modern Meets Medieval by Tina Gayle & Heiner Michels
Solo the Ugly Bow by Robb Sager
The Favell Museum by Billy BergerDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – Worth the Effort Required to Experience By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Product Review – Real Black Powder By Tony Kinton
Ask PA – High Performance Maple Recurve By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Limestone by T.R. Zimmerman
Primitive Chef ® – Summer Beef and Vegetable Napoleon
with Sun Dried Tomato and Roast Garlic Aioli By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Closer to My Lord By Will Taylor
Backtrails – The Hidden Virtues of Public Land By Tim Lewis

Vol. 22 Issue 5FEATURES
Echoes in the Forest by Mike (Hawk) Huston
Making the Comanche Bow by Billy Berger
Fire Starting with a Flint and Steel by Mike Yancey
Simplicity at its Finest by Ryan Gill The First Annual Amazon Gathering
by Cody Lee Jones
Oldest Game by Tim Lewis
Show Me Some Skin by Neal C. Ritter
Tips for Primitive Hunting Success by Billy Berger
Africa’s Other Game by Tony KintonDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Product Review – Building the Sinew Backed Bow By Mike Yancey
Ask PA – Heat Treating a Radius-Bellied Bow By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Basswood by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – A Special Quiche with Gluten Free Crust By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Blood By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – First Hunt By Neal Ritter

Vol. 22 Issue 6FEATURES
Archery: Ancient Art Practiced Today by Jonathan Sutherland
Trackers ‘N Training by Robb Sager
Armed and Dangerous by Tim Davis
Killing Paper by Ed Ingold
The Lesson by Chris Cade
Landon’s Bow by Doug Peters
Gremlins of the Lumbar Region by Bill Scherer
Get to the Point by Robb Sager
A Practical Primitive Look at Mentoring by Adam Fox
“Gopher” It by Robb Sager
Pre-Spring Arrow Fling 2014: A Photo Journey by Tony KintonDEPARTMENTS
Hunting Column – Youth and Other Matters of the Future By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Removing Bark from HHB by MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Pawpaw by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – The Cottage Pie Dinner By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Seasons By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – Who Am I by Billy Berger

SKU: VOL22ISS1-6 Category:


Volume 22 Issues 1-6

Issue 1
This Issue is SOLD OUT

Early English Target Archery By Hugh Soar
One Star: Lakota Archery Here and Now By Kay Koppedrayer
Sausage Deer By Robb Sager
The Chamberlin Traditional Shoot By Larry Clemons
Late Season Primitive Small Game Hunt By Billy Berger
Flint and Feathers By Mike Huston
The Hat By Jim Scott Orrick
Primitive Archer Turkey Hunt By Mike Yancey
Making the Hamilton Arrow Point By Billy Berger
Osage Bow Building 101, Part 2 By Mickey Lotz, aka The Ferret

Hunting Column – Where Did Primitive Begin? By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Walnut for Bows By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Authors Stories By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Hickory by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Braised Oxtails and Lentils with a Vegetable Medley of Kohlrabi, Carrots and Radishes By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Let Us Never Quit By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – How it Began By Mark (Pappy) Baggett

Issue 2

Learning to Become Invisible by L. Woodrow Ross
Why I Love Llamas by Rob Sager
Short Bows for a Short Draw by Ryan Gill
Chinese Archery is Alive and Well by Kay Koppedrayer
Plains Sheep Horn Bow & An Interview With Bowyer Chuck Loeffler
by Jay Red Hawk
Blue is Back by Billy Berger
Osage Bow Building 101, Part 3 by Mickey Lotz, aka The Ferret
A Catch and Release Deer Hunt by Chris Cade

Hunting Column – Mental Practice and Subliminal Bowhunting By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Using Osage Limbs For Bows By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Crossword By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Eastern Red Cedar by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Braciole (Bra’ Zhul) with Roasted Garlic and Red Pepper Sauce, Buttered Cavatappi Pasta, and Sautéed Fennel with Green Beans By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Still By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – There is Value in That By Tim Lewis

Issue 3

A Primitive Lifestyle by Hanna Van Order
The Silly Adventures of Living with an Arrow Maker by Cecilia Borgeson
Lessons from a Master by Billy Berger
Gators, Osage & Cane by Mark (Pappy) Baggett
Re-Discovering “Florida Snake Wood” by Ryan Gill
The Soul of Jim Rempp’s Wooden Bows by Brian D’Ambrosio
Seeking My Paradox by Matthew McKenzie
ERC Composite Board Bow by Marc St Louis
Bowyer’s Scraper by Marc St Louis

Hunting Column – Proper Planning is Both Enjoyable and Essential By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Jatoba Propeller Bow By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Bows of the Year – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Crossword By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Hemlock by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – Zesty Roast Chicken with Mashed Celeriac and Heirloom Tomato and Arugula Salad By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Opening Morning By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails- The Abo Knapper By Ryan Gill

Issue 4

Primitive Crossbow Collection by Clayton Carter
Embracing your Home Landsby Ryan Gill
Making a Northern Paiute Bow and Arrow Set by Billy Berger
Wyoming Wilderness Elk by Mike Yancey
The Mary Rose Museum by Hilary Greenland
Modern Meets Medieval by Tina Gayle & Heiner Michels
Solo the Ugly Bow by Robb Sager
The Favell Museum by Billy Berger

Hunting Column – Worth the Effort Required to Experience By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Product Review – Real Black Powder By Tony Kinton
Ask PA – High Performance Maple Recurve By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Limestone by T.R. Zimmerman
Primitive Chef ® – Summer Beef and Vegetable Napoleon
with Sun Dried Tomato and Roast Garlic Aioli By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Closer to My Lord By Will Taylor
Backtrails – The Hidden Virtues of Public Land By Tim Lewis’

Issue 5

Echoes in the Forest by Mike (Hawk) Huston
Making the Comanche Bow by Billy Berger
Fire Starting with a Flint and Steel by Mike Yancey
Simplicity at its Finest by Ryan Gill The First Annual Amazon Gathering
by Cody Lee Jones
Oldest Game by Tim Lewis
Show Me Some Skin by Neal C. Ritter
Tips for Primitive Hunting Success by Billy Berger
Africa’s Other Game by Tony Kinton

Hunting Column – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Product Review – Building the Sinew Backed Bow By Mike Yancey
Ask PA – Heat Treating a Radius-Bellied Bow By MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Basswood by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – A Special Quiche with Gluten Free Crust By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Blood By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – First Hunt By Neal Ritter

Issue 6

Archery: Ancient Art Practiced Today by Jonathan Sutherland
Trackers ‘N Training by Robb Sager
Armed and Dangerous by Tim Davis
Killing Paper by Ed Ingold
The Lesson by Chris Cade
Landon’s Bow by Doug Peters
Gremlins of the Lumbar Region by Bill Scherer
Get to the Point by Robb Sager
A Practical Primitive Look at Mentoring by Adam Fox
“Gopher” It by Robb Sager
Pre-Spring Arrow Fling 2014: A Photo Journey by Tony Kinton

Hunting Column – Youth and Other Matters of the Future By Tony Kinton
From the Pit – Flintknapping FAQ By PATRICK BLANK
Ask PA – Removing Bark from HHB by MARC ST. LOUIS
Bows of the Month – From by CIPRIANO RIVERA
Puzzle Corner – Primitive Archer Word Scramble By Primitive Archer
Medicine Man ® – Pawpaw by Steve Parker
Primitive Chef ® – The Cottage Pie Dinner By BILL CAMPBELL
Poet’s Corner – Seasons By Curtiss Cardinal
Backtrails – Who Am I by Billy Berger

Additional information

Weight 34 oz
Dimensions 12 × 9 × 6 in


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